Male fertility is especially vulnerable to an array of environmental factors such as exposure to :

Studies have indicated that on-the-job exposure to hazardous materials may contribute to male infertility and low fertility; exposure to lead and other toxins can affect sperm quantity and quality. 

If you work with hazardous materials, chemicals, dangerous machinery, or in extreme environmental working conditions, it is recommended that you consider storing your sperm due to the risk to your fertility in your everyday working conditions. 

Beware of Environmental Toxins Extreme Temperatures Soy Based Products


Heavy exposure to environmental toxins, such as pesticides and heavy metals, can have a negative impact on sperm count, quality, concentration, motility, and morphology.  If you work with toxins, wearing personal protective clothing and equipment and avoiding all skin contact with chemicals is recommended for safety.


Many soy-based food products contain plant estrogen, which is shown to reduce testosterone bonding and sperm production, causing low fertility. 


Exposure to extreme temperatures, especially heat, can harm sperm production; maintaining a regulated scrotal temperature protects the testicles and prevents scrotum exposure, which could impair sperm production.


Men who smoke cigarettes and marijuana are more likely to have low sperm counts, low fertility, and infertility.  Also, heavy drinking can lead to reduced production of testosterone and decreased sperm production, thus leading to low fertility and infertility.

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